Thankful Daily

Hello all. Hope you are having a good day.

If you are a blogger or even a youtuber and happen upon this post you are more than welcome to use my graphic and start this on your blog/channel. Leave me a link so I can check it out. Let’s help spread positivity.

So what am I thankful for today?

I am thankful for people like James Shaw. We never truly know what we would do in a moment like that. We can say what we think we would do or hope but you truly don’t know till you are in the moment. After the events he went on to try and help the families that lost someone that day, which is something he didn’t have to do.

I am also thankful that we have finally started to move away from winter here. It seemed for a while that mother nature didn’t get the memo of Spring starting.


What are you thankful for today?

Thankful Daily

Hello all. Hope you are having a good day.


If you are a blogger or even a youtuber and happen upon this post you are more than welcome to use my graphic and start this on your blog/channel. Leave me a link so I can check it out. Let’s help spread positivity.

So what am I thankful for today?

I am thankful for a local restaurant called Stoby’s. The last time I went had been the first time in a long while and I had a bacon cheeseburger…Oh My Goodness…That has to be the best burger in town. I have been craving another one lately but I don’t have the funds. I cracked myself up because I think with my second bite I started looking at it in detail as I was eating it and thought – This has a nice meat to bun ratio and they put the lettuce and cheese and condiments in the right spots that the bun doesn’t stick to the roof of my mouth. Any Big Bang Theory fans around and remember Sheldon in one of the early season talking about meat to bun ratio and condiment placement. Hahaha…I was at the restaurant with my mom and I explained it to her what I was laughing at all the while I can tell what she was thinking ‘Its a hamburger.’ haha

I am thankful that people are talking more about mental illness. I want more and more of the voices that are saying that it is okay to get help to become louder and louder. Please, if you need help or someone to talk to, know that it is okay to reach out to someone. There are organizations that can help you find someone to talk to if there is no one around you that you feel like you can talk with.

What is going on?

So what is the latest?

In reading – I’ve been listening to The Raven Cycle books by Maggie Stiefvater and I am currently on the last book. I think the narrator, Will Patton, does a good job. I wonder though if I would have felt more pulled into it if I had read the physical books first. I have enjoyed the series though. I have like 30 chapters left in the last book, The Raven King.

I’ve also been working on Eliza and her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. I’m about 100 pages into it and I am enjoying it. I find it pretty cute so far to see the two main characters interact.

In TV land – I’m currently marathoning Supernatural on Netflix. I haven’t had cable for a couple of years and just have Netflix. It is cheaper for me. At times I do miss it but Netflix is handy for certain show and movies that I don’t own to be able to see. I have been a fan of Supernatural from day 1. While I say that I was one that had to see what direction the show would go in when it kept going past the point of the creator’s original ending. I’ve been doing a twitter thread during it of thoughts and different Gifs you can find here. I’m hoping that by the time I make it to season 13 it will be on Netflix. Right now I am on season 7 so I would think it would be okay.


What are you up to?


Thankful Daily

Today I am thankful for the rain we have been getting off and on since last night. It is so much better than last weekend when sirens were going off and we had to take cover.

I’m thankful that I found an unused gift card while cleaning today. Sometimes it is the little things.

I’m also thankful for the day off. After having a few years never really knowing when I would get time off I try to be sure to relish it now.


What are you thankful for today?


Thankful Daily

Being thankful can sometimes seem easier said than done. We can say we are thankful/grateful about something but then our minds want to follow it up with something that could have made it better. For example…I’m thankful to have a job but I wish… or I’m thankful that the sun came out today but…

The trick is trying to leave out the but or anything resembling that and to just be thankful. With my last job it was an over night job and I could usually end my “day” with listening to the morning show Heather and Pool Boy on Alice 107.7 and they were starting the show with 3 things they were thankful for. I thought it was pretty cool. With my new job I don’t get to listen anymore so I don’t know if they still do it but I hope they do.

I want to challenge myself and you to try everyday to think of something you are thankful for and not follow it up with a way it could be better. If you can think of more than one that is awesome. We all have bad days and on those days you may only be able to think of one and maybe that one thing can help you to focus on something good.

What am I thankful for today?

Today I am thankful for my books. It may be a material thing but some books have helped me on bad days to be able to escape.

I am thankful for the food I have in my house. Money can be tight sometimes but my mom and I have learned to be creative so that it doesn’t always seem like the same ole thing.

And I am thankful for my mom. She has been supportive during this transition time since I decided to leave my last job.


So, what are you thankful for today?


Consistency…sometimes it feels like a dirty word. You know it is meant to bring good but then you realize it means work. So, you make a plan and hopefully have the best intentions. Sometimes you might even take what it is that you are trying to become consistent with and break it down into goals. Even with the best intentions doubt creeps in and you wonder if you can do it.

Does that sound familiar? I know it does to me. Why? Because it is what I am working on this year.

I want to get to where I am doing more than just talking about writing something or talking about getting something published. In order to get something published I have to put in the work. More often than once in a while. So, I decided to make a yearly goal and then broke it down to monthly goals. How is it going this month? Not too bad. Though I have beat the monthly word count goal I haven’t written every day. One thing that has helped is a trick that I got from Victoria Schwab. You can check out her video that she talks about what she does here.

With the job that I started in August last year when public schools go on break my work either goes bare minimum staff or closes for a time. While it is nice to have time off it takes a hit on the paycheck. But I found that once I started back to work this month that it got hard to write on some days. There were some days that when I got home I didn’t want to do anything. I have to figure out a way to make myself write on the days that I have my day job.

Someone else that I’ve been finding helpful on youtube is Jenna Moreci. I am going to continue to try and kick it in gear and do the work. I want to have 30 days that I do some writing every day. I know that I can do it but there are days that I get lazy and days that doubt creeps in and wants to tell me that anything I write isn’t going to be good. I am going to beat the doubt down.

What is it that you want to be consistent with or something that you want to kick down doubt on?

#TheReadingQuest Sign Up TBR

As of Sunday August 13th, I will be a Knight. Okay, so not really just while a readathon is happening. I don’t take part in them often but lately I have been in the mood to and I saw someone post about this one and it sounded like fun.

You can go here to read more about it. I’ll try to do updates throughout on here as to where I am with the books. I have tried to come up with books for each of the characters but I’m going to start with the Knight and do some of the side challenges while I try to do challenges for the other characters. (more…)

Sweet Evil

Title: Sweet Evil

Author: Wendy Higgins

Publisher: Harper Teen

Pages: 447

Release date: May 1, 2012

Synopsis: Embrace the forbidden.

What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences?

This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels. Tenderhearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. She’s aware of a struggle within herself, an inexplicable pull toward danger, but it isn’t until she turns sixteen and meets the alluring Kaidan Rowe that she discovers her terrifying heritage and her willpower is put to the test. He’s the boy your daddy warned you about. If only someone had warned Anna.

Forced to face her destiny, will Anna embrace her halo or her horns? (more…)

P.S. I Like You

Title: P.S. I Like You

Author: Kasie West

Publisher: Point

Pages: 330

Release date: July 26, 2016


Synopsis: Signed, sealed, delivered…

While spacing out in chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk and added a message to her. Intrigue!

Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters—sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she’s kind of falling for this letter writer. Only, who is he? As Lily attempts to unravel the mystery and juggle school, friends, crushes, and her crazy family, she discovers that matters of the heart can’t always spell out… (more…)